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Citations:  917 / 908 (iNSPIRE / ADS)

h-Index: 13 / 12 (iNSPIRE / ADS)

February 10, 2025

First author publications

A. Torres-Orjuela, V. Vázquez-Aceves & T.-X. Wang: Detection of Intermediate-Mass Ratio Inspirals in Globular Clusters: Revealing the Brownian Motion with Gravitational Waves; arXiv:2501.13466 (2025)


A. Torres-Orjuela: Joint gravitational wave detection by TianQin and LISA; arXiv:2407.11293 (2024)


A. Torres-Orjuela, V. Vázquez-Aceves, R. Xu, J.-H. Chen, et al.: GWnext 2024: Meeting Summary; arXiv:2406.03498 (2024)


A. Torres-Orjuela: Black hole spectroscopy with ground-based atom interferometer and space-based laser interferometer gravitational wave detectors; AVS Quantum Sci. 6, 045002 (2024)


A. Torres-Orjuela: How the spherical modes of gravitational waves can be detected despite only seeing one ray; Class. Quantum Gravity 41, 117001 (2024)


A. Torres-Orjuela, Shun-Jia Huang, Zheng-Cheng Liang, et al.: Detection of astrophysical gravitational wave sources by TianQin and LISA; Sci. China: Phys. Mech. Astron. 67, 259511 (2024)


A. Torres-Orjuela: Detecting intermediate-mass black hole binaries with atom interferometer observatories: Using the resonant mode for the merger phase; AVS Quantum Sci. 5, 045002 (2023) (Featured)


A. Torres-Orjuela & X. Chen: Moving gravitational wave sources at cosmological distances: Impact on the measurement of the Hubble constant; Phys. Rev. D 107, 043027 (2023)


A. Torres-Orjuela, X. Chen & P. Amaro-Seoane: Excitation of gravitational wave modes by a center-of-mass velocity of the source; Phys. Rev. D 104, 123025 (2021)


A. Torres-Orjuela, P. Amaro-Seoane, Z. Xuan, A. Chua, et al.: Exciting modes due to the aberration of gravitational waves: Measurability for extreme-mass-ratio inspirals; Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 041102 (2021)

A. Torres-Orjuela, X. Chen & P. Amaro-Seoane: Phase shift of gravitational waves induced by aberration; Phys. Rev. D 101, 083028 (2020)

A. Torres-Orjuela, X. Chen, Z. Cao, P. Amaro-Seoane & P. Peng: Detecting the Beaming Effect of Gravitational Waves; Phys. Rev. D 100, 063012 (2019)

Other publications

R. Xu, A. Torres-Orjuela, L. Andersson & P. Amaro-Seoane: The I-Love universal relation for polytropic stars under Newtonian gravity; arXiv:2501.07184 (2025)


V. Vázquez-Aceves, Y. Lin & A. Torres-Orjuela: SgrA* spin and mass estimates through the detection of multiple extremely large mass-ratio inspiral; arXiv:2412.20738 (2024)


A. Abdalla, M. Abe, S. Abend, M. Abidi, et al.: Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry: Summary of the Second Workshop; arXiv:2412.14960 (2024)


E. Li, S. Liu, A. Torres-Orjuela, X. Chen, et al.: Gravitational Wave Astronomy with TianQin; arXiv:2409.19665 (2024)


C. Ye, H. Fan, A. Torres-Orjuela, J. Zhang & Y. Hu: Identification of Gravitational-waves from Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals; Phys. Rev. D 109, 124034 (2024)


S. Abend, B. Allard, I. Alonso, J. Antoniadis, et al.: Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry: Workshop Summary; AVS Quantum Sci. 6, 2 (2024)


M. Colpi, K. Danzmann, M. Hewitson, P. Jetzer, et al.: LISA Definition Study Report; arXiv:2402.07571 (2024)


S. Morton, S. Rinaldi, A. Torres-Orjuela, A. Derdzinski, et al.: GW190521: a binary black hole merger inside an active galactic nucleus?; Phys. Rev. D 108, 123039 (2023)


Z. Haiman, C. Xin, T. Bogdanovic, P. Amaro-Seoane, et al.: Massive Black Hole Binaries as LISA Precursors in the Roman High Latitude Time Domain Survey; arXiv:2306.14990 (2023)


H. Yan, X. Chen & A. Torres-Orjuela: Calculating the gravitational waves emitted from high-speed sources; Phys. Rev. D 107, 103044 (2023)


V. Vázquez-Aceves, Y. Lin & A. Torres-Orjuela: SgrA* spin and mass estimates through the detection of an extremely large mass-ratio inspiral; Astrophys. J. 952, 139 (2023)


LISA Collaboration: Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna; Living Rev. Rel. 26, 2 (2023)


J. Brödel, M. Sprenger & A. Torres-Orjuela: Towards single-valued polylogarithms in two variables for the seven-point remainder function in multi-Regge-kinematics; Nucl. Phys. B 915, 394-414 (2016)

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